How do I cancel my order?
If you access the Order Status page within 25 minutes of placing an order, you can choose to cancel your order without contacting the Customer Service Team.
You can access your Order Status page immediately after submitting an order, or it can be accessed via the confirmation email that was sent to the email address provided at checkout.
The email will be sent from
First, click the ' View your order' button in your order confirmation email:Next, scroll down until you see 'Order options' with the 'Cancel' button visible. Click the 'Cancel' button within 25 minutes of placing the order:
Confirm you wish to cancel your order:
After confirming the cancellation, your Order Page will be refreshed and now reflect the cancelled status of the order: Once 25 minutes has passed and the 'Cancel' button is no longer able to be accessed, please email, provide your order number and ask for the order to be cancelled. Please note that our shipping process begins immediately after these 25 minutes have passed and we cannot guarantee your cancellation request will be completed in time.